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International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal
(By Aryavart International University, India)

Paper Details

Developing a Smart Agricultural and Sustainable Farming Model by Amalgamating AI Algorithms and IOT Tools and Techniques

Suchit Lamba

NIIT University, Neemrana, Rajasthan, India

50 - 55 Vol. 8, Jan-Dec, 2022
Receiving Date: 2022-06-15;    Acceptance Date: 2022-08-05;    Publication Date: 2022-08-29
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In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on leveraging technologies such as AI and IoT in farming, alongside advancements in computer science. This shift reflects recognition of the potential of these technologies in agriculture, which has long been pivotal for human sustenance. Notably, effective agricultural practices have been instrumental in supporting various crop types over millennia. The emergence of sophisticated IoT capabilities holds promise for monitoring agricultural ecosystems and ensuring high-quality production. However, Smart Sustainable Agriculture (SSA) encounters significant challenges, including the widespread dispersion of agricultural procedures, issues related to IoT and AI device deployment and management, data sharing and governance, interoperability, and the handling of vast quantities of data. This study explores existing IoT technologies utilized in SSA to identify architectural components that could facilitate SSA platform development. Additionally, it evaluates the current landscape of research and development in SSA, underscores existing information gaps, and proposes an IoT and AI framework as a foundational approach for SSA.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Internet of Things; Agricultural and Sustainable Farming Model


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