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International Peer Reviewed (Refereed), Open Access Research Journal
(By Aryavart International University, India)

Paper Details

A Comprehensive Analysis Of Internet Of Things (IoT) Driving New Business Models With Emphasis On Challenges Associated With Security, Privacy And Awareness Factors

Tejas Thakral

Vivekanand Institute of Professional Studies, New Delhi

37 - 43 Vol. 9, Jan-Dec, 2023
Receiving Date: 2022-12-24;    Acceptance Date: 2023-02-21;    Publication Date: 2023-03-15
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One of the hottest topics in business and research right now is the Internet of Things (IoT), often known as the Internet of Intelligent Things. In order to facilitate monitoring, automation, and decision-making within organizations, the term "Internet of Things" (IoT) refers to systems that incorporate compute, sensing, and communication. It also involves the link between humans and non-human physical objects. A network of "smart" gadgets that connect and communicate over the Internet is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). The Internet of Things (IoT) aims to create a pervasive and ubiquitous environment (i.e., an IoT ecosystem) with a variety of things or objects (e.g., washing machines, smart TVs, RFID tags, sensors and actuators, smart phones, etc.) that can cooperate and work autonomously to achieve shared objectives and provide smart services for the benefit of humanity. IoT allays worries about security and privacy because of the general public's lack of awareness of devices, the lack of standards for devices, and the features of the technology, which are extremely dynamic and constantly changing due to mobility. The research in this paper primarily focuses on the idea of the Internet of Things (IoT), architecture, new business models, security and privacy challenges, and cyber security awareness in relation to IoT threats. It also provides ideas for mitigating or reducing these IoT

Keywords: Internet of Things (IoT); decision making; IoT ecosystem


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